Congregational Singing
Sunday Afternoon Singing, March 30, 2pm
Song Leaders: Brad Smith, Curtis Liverett, Kevin Chancellor
Join Us for an Hour of Songs, Hymns, & Spiritual Songs
New Article Posted
We posted a new article and invite you to read it. The writer, Sewell Hall, considers the question: Why are they so many different interpretations of Scripture? The article may be read here: Why So Many Different Interpretations? - Articles ‹ Elgin Hills church of Christ
Schedule of Services
Our current Bible study and worship times are listed below. The Lord's Supper is observed in the 10:30 assembly.
Sunday Morning Worship 9:00-9:30Sunday Morning Classes 9:30-10:15Sunday Morning Worship 10:30-11:30Wednesday Night Bible Study 7:00-8:00